Opinionum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 1,18,7Idem libro tertio opinionum. Praeses provinciae inspectis aedificiis dominos eorum causa cognita reficere ea compellat et adversus detractantem competenti remedio deformitati auxilium ferat.
Dig. 49,18,2Ulpianus libro tertio opinionum. Honeste sacramento solutis data immunitas etiam in eis civitatibus, apud quas incolae sunt, valet: nec labefactatur, si quis eorum voluntate sua honorem aut munus susceperit. 1Vectigalia et patrimoniorum onera sollemnia omnes sustinere oportet.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book II. The immunity granted to soldiers who have been honorably discharged, they also enjoy in the towns in which they reside; nor is it lost if one of them should voluntarily accept an honor or a public employment. 1They must all pay taxes, and sustain any other ordinary burdens attaching to patrimonial estates.
Dig. 50,4,4Idem libro tertio opinionum. Cura exstruendi vel reficiendi operis in civitate munus publicum est, a quo quinque liberorum incolumium pater excusatur: nec si per vim extortum munus fuerit, excusationem, quam habet ab aliis muneribus, auferet. 1Deficientium facultatibus ad munera vel honores qui indicuntur excusatio non perpetua, sed temporalis est: nam si ex voto honestis rationibus patrimonium incrementum acceperit, suo tempore, an idoneus sit aliquis ad ea, quae creatus fuerit, aestimabitur. 2Inopes onera patrimonii ipsa non habendi necessitate non sustinent, corpori autem indicta obsequia solvunt. 3Qui obnoxius muneribus suae civitatis fuit, nomen militiae defugiendi oneris municipalis gratia dedit: deteriorem causam rei publicae facere non potuit.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. The care of the construction or repair of public buildings in a city is a public employment from which a father who has five living children is exempt; but if he should be compelled by force to discharge such an employment, this will not deprive him of any excuse which he may have for not accepting others. 1The excuse of a want of means for not accepting municipal employments or duties which persons are required to undertake is not perpetual but temporary; for, where anyone’s patrimony has been increased by honorable means this will be taken into consideration, when inquiry as to his solvency at the time when he was appointed to the office is made. 2Persons who are poor cannot, through destitution, be compelled to accept patrimonial employments, but they are forced to discharge the duties of corporeal ones to which they have been appointed. 3Anyone who is obliged to discharge a public employment in his city, and represents himself as a soldier for the purpose of avoiding a municipal burden, cannot render the condition of the municipality any worse.
Dig. 50,5,2Idem libro tertio opinionum. Sextum decimum aetatis annum agentem ad munus sitoniae vocari non oportet: sed si nihil proprie in patria servatur de minoribus quoque annis viginti quinque ad munera sive honores creandi, iusta aetas servanda est. 1Numerus liberorum aut septuaginta annorum ab honoribus aut muneribus his cohaerentibus excusationem non praestat, sed a muneribus tantum civilibus. 2Adoptivi filii in numerum non proficiunt eorum liberorum, qui excusare parentes solent. 3Qui ad munera vocantur, vivorum se liberorum numerum habere tempore, quo propter eos excusari desiderant, probare debent: numerus enim liberorum postea impletus susceptis antea muneribus non liberat. 4Quae patrimoniorum onera sunt, numero liberorum non excusantur. 5Incolumes liberi, etiamsi in potestate patri suo desierint esse, excusationem a muneribus civilibus praestant. 6Minus audiens inmunitatem civilium munerum non habet. 7Quem ita senio et corporis inbecillitate vexari praeses animadverterit, ut muneri perferendae pecuniae non sufficiat, dimittat et alium constituat. 7aCorporis debilitas eorum munerum excusationem praestat, quae tantum corpore implenda sunt. ceterum quae consilio prudentis viri vel patrimonio sufficientis in homines obiri possunt, nisi certis et receptis probabilibus causis non remittuntur. 8Qui pueros primas litteras docent, inmunitatem a civilibus muneribus non habent: sed ne cui eorum id quod supra vires sit indicatur, ad praesidis religionem pertinet, sive in civitatibus sive in vicis primas litteras magistri doceant.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. A minor of sixteen years of age cannot be charged with the duty of the purchase of grain, if this is not customary in the place of his birth. The same rule applies to minors under twenty-five years of age, if they are appointed to municipal employments or honors. 1Neither the number of children, nor the age of seventy years, is a good excuse where honors or offices are united, but only exempts a person from civil employments. 2Adopted children are not included in the number of those who ordinarily excuse fathers from public duties. 3Those who are called to perform the functions of public officials must prove that they have the prescribed number of children at the time when they wish to be excused on this account; for if the number of children should afterwards be completed, it will not release them, if they have previously undertaken the employment. 4Where patrimonial employments exist, the number of children is no excuse. 5Children, even if they have ceased to be under the control of their father, afford a valid excuse for exemption from civil employments. 6A person who hears with difficulty is not entitled to exemption from civil employments. 7When the Governor of a province perceives that anyone is oppressed with age and bodily infirmity, or has not sufficient money to administer the office, he can discharge him and appoint another. 7aInfirmity of body is a valid excuse from public employment, where only corporeal labor is concerned. Those, however, who can assist with their advice as well-informed men, or who are competent to discharge the duties of the office, should not be excused, except for good and sufficient reasons. 8Those who teach children the first rudiments of learning are not entitled to exemption from civil employments. It is, however, a part of the duty of a Governor to see that an office is not assigned to anyone which is beyond his capacity, whether such a person is teaching the primary branches of knowledge in a city or in a village.
Dig. 50,6,1Ulpianus libro tertio opinionum. Qui ob hos tantum in navibus sint, ut in eis agendi causa operarentur, nulla constitutione immunitatem a muneribus civilibus habent. 1Personis datae immunitates heredibus non relinquuntur. 2Sed et generi posterisque datae custoditaeque ad eos, qui ex feminis nati sunt, non pertinent.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book III. Those who are only on board ships for the purpose of navigating them are not entitled to immunity from civil employments, by the terms of any Imperial Constitution. 1Immunity granted to anyone does not descend to his heirs. 2Where it is given to and acquired by a family and its descendants, it does not pass to those born of the women of this family.
Dig. 50,8,2Idem libro tertio opinionum. Non utique de exemplo posterioris locationis praeteritarum conductionum, quae suam legem habuerunt, rationem iniri oportet. 1Quod quis suo nomine exercere prohibetur, id nec per subiectam personam agere debet. et ideo si decurio subiectis aliorum nominibus praedia publica colat, quae decurionibus conducere non licet, secundum legem usurpata revocentur. 2Quod de frumentaria ratione in alium usum conversum est, sua causa cum incremento debito restituatur: idque etsi contra absentem pronuntiatum est, inanis est querella. ratio tamen administrationis secundum fidem acceptorum et datorum ponatur. 3Frumentariae pecuniae suo nomine debitor quam primum solvat: necessaria enim omnibus rebus publicis frumentaria pecunia moram solutionis accipere non debet: sed debitores, quos ex eadem causa habet, ad solutionem per praesidem provinciae compellantur. 4Ad frumenti comparationem pecuniam datam restitui civitati, non compensari in erogata debet. sin autem frumentaria pecunia in alios usus, quam quibus destinata est, conversa fuerit, veluti in opus balneorum publicorum, licet ex bona fide datum probatur, compensari quidem frumentariae pecuniae non oportet, solvi autem a curatore rei publicae iubetur. 5Si indemnitas debiti frumentariae pecuniae cum suis usuris fit, immodicae et illicitae computationis modus non adhibetur: id est ne commodorum commoda et usurae usurarum incrementum faciant. 6Grani aestimationem per iniuriam post emptionem ablati, quae rationibus publicis refertur, curator rei publicae domino restitui iubeat. 7Si eo tempore, quo nominatus est, idoneus, postea lapsus facultatibus damnum debitis rei publicae dederit: quia fortuitos casus nullum humanum consilium providere potest, creator hoc nomine nihil praestare debet. 8Ius rei publicae pacto mutari non potest, quo minus magistratus collegae quoque nomine conveniantur in his speciebus, in quibus id fieri iure permissum est. 9Actio autem, quae propter ea in collegam decerni solet, ei qui pro altero dependit ex aequitate competit. 10Quod depensum pro collega in magistratu probabitur, solvi et ab heredibus eius praeses provinciae iubet.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Conditions imposed in former leases cannot be considered to apply to subsequent ones. 1What anyone is forbidden to do in his own name he should not do through the agency of anyone else. Therefore, if a decurion rents public land (which decurions are not permitted to do), by substituting the names of others, his act shall be revoked, as being in violation of law. 2Where anyone converts money intended for the purchase of grain to some other use, he will be required to refund the amount with interest; and a judgment rendered against him will be valid, even if he is absent; but in this case it is presumed that he has given security to render an account of his administration. 3Anyone who owes a sum of money intended for the purchase of grain must pay it at once. For, in all matters relating to the public purchase of grain, which is necessary, the payment of the money does not admit of delay; and all persons who are indebted under such circumstances can be compelled to pay by the Governor of the province. 4Funds given for the purchase of grain must be returned to the city, and cannot be expended for other purposes. If, however, money destined for the purchase of grain is converted to some other use, as, for instance, to work upon the public baths, even though it may be proved that it has been expended in good faith, still, as it can only be disbursed for the purchase of grain, he who has charge of it shall be ordered to refund it to the city. 5If money intended for the purchase of grain should be refunded to the city with interest, an unreasonable and an unlawful rate of interest ought not to be exacted, that is to say, compound interest should not be paid. 6Where, after the purchase of grain, for which the price has been paid and entered upon the public registers, it is unjustly taken from the purchaser; the Governor of the province can order the amount to be refunded to him who purchased it. 7When a man who was solvent at the time when he was appointed to office afterwards becomes insolvent, any loss sustained must be borne by the State; for no human prudence can provide against accidents, and the person who appointed him should not be liable for anything on this account. 8The rights of a city cannot be changed by an agreement entered into by magistrates and their colleagues to prevent themselves from being sued by one another, with reference to matters in which this is permitted to be done by law. 9Ad Dig. 50,8,2,9Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 443, Note 16.The action, however, which can be brought against one of them for maladministration will, in accordance with equity, lie in favor of another who has become responsible for him. 10What is proved to have been expended in behalf of a colleague holding the office of magistrate, the Governor of a province shall order to be paid by the party in question, or his heirs.
Dig. 50,8,3Idem ex eodem libro. Conductore perficiendi operis punito fideiussor, qui pro eo intervenerat, idem opus exstruendum alii locaverat: nec a secundo redemptore opere perfecto usurarum praestationem heres fideiussoris recusare non debet, cum et prior causa in bonae fidei contractu in universum fideiussorem obligaverit, et posterior locatio, quia suum periculum agnovit, solidae praestationi rei publicae eum substituerit. 1Qui fideiusserint pro conductore vectigalis in universam conductionem, in usuras quoque iure conveniuntur, nisi proprie quid in persona eorum verbis obligationis expressum est. 2Sed si in locatione fundorum pro sterilitate temporis boni viri arbitratu in solvenda pensione cuiusque anni pacto comprehensum est, explorata lege conductionis fides bona sequenda est.
The Same, In The Same Book. Where anyone has been punished for fraud in the construction of some work, and the surety who was responsible for him contracted with another for the construction of the same work, and it still was not done, the heir of the surety cannot refuse the payment of interest; as, in the first place, the contract bound the surety in good faith for the entire amount, and under the subsequent contract, because he acknowledged his responsibility, he will be liable for the payment of any loss which may be sustained by the city. 1Persons who have become sureties for the entire amount for which a farmer of the revenue may become liable can legally be sued for the interest as well as the principal, unless something to the contrary with reference to them is set forth in the terms of the obligation. 2But where, in the leasing of lands, it was agreed that if on account of an unfavorable season, the rent need not be paid for any year during which, according to the judgment of a reliable citizen, this might be considered a proper excuse, good faith must be observed in complying with the condition of the lease.
Dig. 50,9,1Ulpianus libro tertio opinionum. Medicorum intra numerum praefinitum constituendorum arbitrium non praesidi provinciae commissum est, sed ordini et possessoribus cuiusque civitatis, ut certi de probitate morum et peritia artis eligant ipsi, quibus se liberosque suos in aegritudine corporum committant.
Ulpianus, Opinions, Book III. It is not in the discretion of the Governor of a province to determine the number of physicians to be appointed for each town, but this is the duty of the Order of Decurions and those who possess property therein, in order that, in cases of bodily illness, they may commit themselves and their children to the care of persons selected by themselves, and of whose probity and skill in their profession they are assured.
Dig. 50,10,2Idem libro tertio opinionum. Qui liberalitate, non necessitate debiti, reditus suos interim ad opera finienda concessit, munificentiae suae fructum de inscriptione nominis sui operibus, si qua fecerit, capere per invidiam non prohibetur. 1Curatores operum cum redemptoribus negotium habent, res publica autem cum his, quos efficiendo operi praestituit. quatenus ergo et quis et cui obstrictus est, aestimatio praesidis provinciae est. 2Ne eius nomine, cuius liberalitate opus exstructum est, eraso aliorum nomina inscribantur et propterea revocentur similes civium in patrias liberalitates, praeses provinciae auctoritatem suam interponat.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Anyone who, through liberality and not because of indebtedness, has devoted his income for a time to the purpose of completing public works, is not forbidden to obtain the reward of his generosity by having his name inscribed upon them. 1The supervisors of public works transact business with the contractors, but the State is only concerned with those appointed for that purpose. Therefore, the Governor of the province will repose confidence in the person who has charge of the work, as well as in the contractor who is liable to him. 2The Governor of a province should interpose his authority to prevent the name of him through whose generosity a public work has been constructed from being erased, and the names of others inscribed in its place; and also see that the evidence of similar liberalities bestowed by citizens upon their country shall not be removed.
Dig. 50,17,61Idem libro tertio opinionum. Domum suam reficere unicuique licet, dum non officiat invito alteri, in quo ius non habet.