De popularibus actionibus
(Concerning Popular Actions.)
1 Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Eam popularem actionem dicimus, quae suum ius populi tuetur.
1 Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. We call that a popular action which protects the rights of the party who brings it, as well as those of the people.
2 Idem libro primo ad edictum. Si plures simul agant populari actione, praetor eligat idoneiorem.
2 The Same, On the Edict, Book I. Where several persons bring a popular action at the same time, the Prætor shall select the most suitable one of them.
3 Ulpianus libro primo ad edictum. Sed si ex eadem causa saepius [ed. maior agatur] <ed. minor agetur>, cum idem factum sit, exceptio vulgaris rei iudicatae opponitur. 1In popularibus actionibus is cuius interest praefertur.
4 Paulus libro tertio ad edictum. Popularis actio integrae personae permittitur, hoc est cui per edictum postulare licet.
4 Paulus, On the Edict, Book III. A popular action is granted to a person whose rights are unimpaired, that is to say, to one who can bring suit under the Edict.
5 Idem libro octavo ad edictum. Qui populari actione convenietur, ad defendendum procuratorem dare potest: is autem, qui eam movet, procuratorem dare non potest.
5 The Same, On the Edict, Book VIII. Where anyone is sued in a popular action, he can appoint an attorney to defend him, but he who brings the suit cannot appoint one.
6 Ulpianus libro vicensimo quinto ad edictum. Mulieri et pupillo populares actiones non dantur, nisi cum ad eos res pertineat.
6 Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XXV. Popular actions are not granted to women and minors, unless they are interested in the matter.
7 Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Populares actiones non transeunt ad eum, cui restituta est hereditas ex Trebelliano senatus consulto. 1Item qui habet has actiones, non intellegitur esse locupletior.
8 Ulpianus libro primo ad edictum. Omnes populares actiones neque in heredes dantur neque supra annum extenduntur.
8 Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book I. All popular actions are not granted against heirs, nor is the right to bring them extended beyond the term of a year.