De cognitionibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,18,9Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Generaliter quotiens princeps ad praesides provinciarum remittit negotia per rescriptiones, veluti ‘eum qui provinciae praeest adire poteris’ vel cum hac adiectione ‘is aestimabit, quid sit partium suarum’, non imponitur necessitas proconsuli vel legato suscipiendae cognitionis, quamvis non sit adiectum ‘is aestimabit quid sit partium suarum’: sed is aestimare debet, utrum ipse cognoscat an iudicem dare debeat.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. Generally speaking, whenever the Emperor issues a Rescript referring any matter to the Governor of a province, as for instance, when he says: “You can apply to him who presides over the province,” or with this addition, “He will consider what his duty requires”, no obligation is imposed upon the Proconsul or his Deputy to take cognizance of the case; but even where the words “He will consider what his duty requires” are not added, he must make up his mind whether he will hear it himself or appoint a judge to do so.
Dig. 1,18,19Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Observandum est ius reddenti, ut in adeundo quidem facilem se praebeat, sed contemni non patiatur. unde mandatis adicitur, ne praesides provinciarum in ulteriorem familiaritatem provinciales admittant: nam ex conversatione aequali contemptio dignitatis nascitur. 1Sed et in cognoscendo neque excandescere adversus eos, quos malos putat, neque precibus calamitosorum inlacrimari oportet: id enim non est constantis et recti iudicis, cuius animi motum vultus detegit. et summatim ita ius reddi debet, ut auctoritatem dignitatis ingenio suo augeat.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. He who administers justice must be careful to be easy of access, but not permit anyone to treat him disrespectfully, for which reason it is stated in their directions: “That the Governors of provinces must not admit provincials to great familiarity with them”; for contempt of rank arises from equality of intercourse. 1But, in the trial of cases, it is not proper for an official to become inflamed against those of whom he thinks ill, or be moved to tears by the supplications of the unfortunate; for it is not the part of a resolute and upright judge to let his countenance disclose the emotions of his mind. In a word, he should so administer justice as to increase the authority of his rank by the force of his mental qualities.
Dig. 2,4,3Callistratus libro primo cognitionum. vel qui cadaver prosequuntur, quod etiam videtur ex rescripto divorum fratrum comprobatum esse:
Callistratus, Judicial Inquiries, Book I. Nor can those who are attending a funeral be summoned, which appears to be established by a Rescript of the Divine Brothers.
Dig. 5,1,36Callistratus libro primo cognitionum. Interdum ex iustis causis et ex certis personis sustinendae sunt cognitiones: veluti si instrumenta litis apud eos esse dicantur qui rei publicae causa aberunt: idque divi fratres in haec verba rescripserunt. humanum est propter fortuitos casus dilationem accipi, veluti quod pater litigator filium vel filiam vel uxor virum vel filius parentem amiserit, et in similibus causis cognitionem ad aliquem modum sustineri. 1Senator si negotiis alienis se optulerit in provincia, non debet iudicium recusare negotiorum gestorum, sed actionem eum excipere oportere Iulianus respondit, cum sua sponte sibi hanc obligationem contraxerit.
Callistratus, Inquiries, Book I. Sometimes hearings are postponed for good reasons and on account of certain parties; as, for instance, where documents relating to a case are said to be in possession of persons who will be absent on public business. Therefore the Divine Brothers stated the following in a Rescript: “Humanity demands that postponement should be granted on account of accidental misfortunes; for example, where a father who was a party to the case has lost his son, or his daughter; or a wife her husband; or a son his parent; and in similar cases the hearing should be postponed for a reasonable time.” 1Where a Senator voluntarily undertakes to attend to the affairs of another in a province, he can not refuse to defend an action on the ground of business transacted; and Julianus says that he must defend the action, since he voluntarily assumed this obligation.
Dig. 48,19,26Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Crimen vel poena paterna nullam maculam filio infligere potest: namque unusquisque ex suo admisso sorti subicitur nec alieni criminis successor constituitur, idque divi fratres Hierapolitanis rescripserunt.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. The crime or the punishment of a father can place no stigma upon his son; for each one is subjected to fate in accordance with his conduct, and no one. is appointed the successor of the crime of another. This was stated by the Divine Brothers in a Rescript addressed to the people of Hierapolis.
Dig. 50,1,37Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. De iure omnium incolarum, quos quaeque civitates sibi vindicant, praesidum provinciarum cognitio est. cum tamen se quis negat incolam esse, apud eum praesidem provinciae agere debet, sub cuius cura est ea civitas, a qua vocatur ad munera, non apud eam, ex qua ipse se dicit oriundum esse: idque divus Hadrianus rescripsit. 1Mulieris, quae aliunde orta, alibi nupta est, libertos eo loco munus facere debere, unde patrona erit et ubi ipsi domicilium habebunt, placet. 2Mulieres, quae in matrimonium se dederint non legitimum, non ibi muneribus fungendas, unde mariti earum sunt, sciendum est, sed unde ipsae ortae sunt: idque divi fratres rescripserunt.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. The Governors of provinces have jurisdiction over all the inhabitants which any towns claim as their own; but still, where anyone denies that he is a resident, he must bring suit before the Governor of the province in whose jurisdiction the town, by which he is called to discharge a public employment, is situated, and not before the Governor of the one where he himself alleges that he was born. This the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript with reference to a woman who married in another place than the one in which she was born. 1It has been decided that freedmen can hold public office where their patron is, or where they themselves have their domicile. 2It should be remembered that women who form an illegal connection with men can only discharge public duties where they themselves have been born, and not where their husbands are. This the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript.
Dig. 50,2,11Callistratus libro primo cognitionum. Non tantum qui tenerae aetatis, sed etiam qui grandes natu sunt decuriones fieri prohibentur. illi quasi inhabiles rem publicam tueri ad tempus excusantur, hi vero in perpetuum amoventur: non alias seniores, ne seniorum excusatione iuniores onerentur ad omnia munera publica suscipienda soli relicti. neque enim minores viginti quinque annis decuriones allegi nisi ex causa possunt, neque hi, qui annum quinquagensimum et quintum excesserunt. nonnumquam etiam longa consuetudo in ea re observata respicienda erit. quod etiam custodiendum principes nostri consulti de allegendis in ordine Nicomedensium huius aetatis hominibus rescripserunt.
Callistratus, Judicial Inquiries, Book I. Not only those who are of tender years but also aged persons are forbidden to become decurions. The former are, as it were, unable to protect the interests of the State, and are temporarily excused, but the latter are perpetually excluded; still, persons of advanced age should not be excused except for good reasons, lest those who are younger, through their elders not having been chosen, will be left alone to sustain all the public responsibilities of government; for minors under twenty-five years of age cannot be created decurions unless for some good cause, nor are those eligible who have passed their fifty-fifth year. Sometimes, long-established custom should be considered in this matter; for our Emperors, having been consulted by the people of Nicomedia as to whether persons of that age could be elected to the order, stated in a Rescript that this could be done.
Dig. 50,4,14Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Honor municipalis est administratio rei publicae cum dignitatis gradu, sive cum sumptu sive sine erogatione contingens. 1Munus aut publicum aut privatum est. publicum munus dicitur, quod in administranda re publica cum sumptu sine titulo dignitatis subimus. 2Viarum munitiones, praediorum collationes non personae, sed locorum munera sunt. 3De honoribus sive muneribus gerendis cum quaeritur, in primis consideranda persona est eius, cui defertur honor sive muneris administratio: item origo natalium: facultates quoque an sufficere iniuncto muneri possint: item lex, secundum quam muneribus quisque fungi debeat. 4Plebeii filii familias periculo eius qui nominaverit tenebuntur, idque imperator noster Severus Augustus in haec verba rescripsit: ‘Si in numero plebeiorum filius tuus est, quamquam invitus honores ex persona filii suscipere cogi non debeas, tamen resistere, quo minus patriae obsequatur periculo eius qui nominavit, iure patriae potestatis non potes’. 5Gerendorum honorum non promiscua facultas est, sed ordo certus huic rei adhibitus est. nam neque prius maiorem magistratum quisquam, nisi minorem susceperit, gerere potest, neque ab omni aetate, neque continuare quisque honores potest. 6Si alii non sint qui honores gerant, eosdem compellendos, qui gesserint, conplurimis constitutionibus cavetur. divus etiam Hadrianus de iterandis muneribus rescripsit in haec verba: ‘Illud consentio, ut, si alii non erunt idonei qui hoc munere fungantur, ex his, qui iam functi sunt, creentur’.
Callistratus, Judicial Inquiries, Book I. Municipal honor is the administration of public affairs, with the title of the office, whether the payment of expenses is required or not. 1An employment is either public or private. A public employment is one in which we undertake to administer public affairs, with the payment of expenses, and without the title of dignity. 2The collection of expenses for repairing the highways and of taxes on land are not personal, but local employments. 3When a question arises with reference to municipal honors and the administration of public employments, the person upon whom the honor or the employment is conferred must be taken into consideration, together with the origin of his birth, and whether his means are sufficient to enable him to administer the employment entrusted to him; and also the law, in accordance with which every one should discharge his official duties. 4A plebeian son under paternal control holds his office at the risk of the person who nominated him. Our Emperor, Severus, stated the following on this point in a Rescript: “If your son is a plebeian, you should not be compelled, against your will, to be responsible for his administration of the magistracy, because you cannot exercise your right of paternal authority to resist his appointment, but his administration will be at the risk of him who nominated him.” 5The power of administering a public office is not a promiscuous one, but a certain order should be observed; for no one can discharge the higher functions of the magistracy before having discharged those of a lower degree, nor can anyone continue to perform the duties of a public office at any age. 6It is provided by many Imperial Constitutions that, where there are no others to hold the office, those who had it previously can be compelled to continue to administer it. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript with reference to continuance in office: “If there are no others who are competent to perform the duties of the office, I consent that they shall be chosen from those who already have performed them.”
Dig. 50,6,6Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Semper in civitate nostra senectus venerabilis fuit: namque maiores nostri paene eundem honorem senibus, quem magistratibus tribuebant. circa munera quoque municipalia subeunda idem honor senectuti tributus est. sed eum, qui in senectute locuples factus est et ante nullo publico munere functus est, dici potest non eximi ab hoc onere privilegio aetatis, maxime si non tam corporis habeat vexationem quam pecuniae erogationem indicti muneris administratio, et ex ea sit civitate, in qua non facile sufficientes viri publicis muneribus inveniantur. 1Legem quoque respici cuiusque loci oportet, an, cum aliquas immunitates nominatim complecteretur, etiam de numero annorum in ea conmemoretur. idque etiam colligi potest ex litteris divi Pii, quas emisit ad Ennium Proculum proconsulem provinciae Africae. 2Demonstratur varie nec abscise numerum liberorum ad excusationem municipalium munerum prodesse ex rescriptis divi Helvii Pertinacis. namque Silvio Candido in haec verba rescripsit: ‘Εἰ καὶ μὴ πασῶν λειτουργιῶν ἀφίησιν τοὺς πατέρας ὁ τῶν τέκνων ἀριθμός, ἀλλ’ οὖν ἐπειδὴ ἑκκαίδεκα παῖδας ἔχειν διὰ τοῦ βιβλίου ἐδήλωσας, οὐκ ἔστιν ἄλογον, ὥστε συγχωρῆσαι σχολάζειν τῇ παιδοτροφίᾳ καὶ ἀνέσθαι σε τῶν λειτουργιῶν’. 3Negotiatores, qui annonam urbis adiuvant, item navicularii, qui annonae urbis serviunt, immunitatem a muneribus publicis consequuntur, quamdiu in eiusmodi actu sunt. nam remuneranda pericula eorum, quin etiam exhortanda praemiis merito placuit, ut qui peregre muneribus et quidem publicis cum periculo et labore fungantur, a domesticis vexationibus et sumptibus liberentur: cum non sit alienum dicere etiam hos rei publicae causa, dum annonae urbis serviunt, abesse. 4Immunitati, quae naviculariis praestatur, certa forma data est: quam immunitatem ipsi dumtaxat habent, non etiam liberis aut libertis eorum praestatur: idque principalibus constitutionibus declaratur. 5Divus Hadrianus rescripsit immunitatem navium maritimarum dumtaxat habere, qui annonae urbis serviunt. 6Licet in corpore naviculariorum quis sit, navem tamen vel naves non habeat nec omnia ei congruant, quae principalibus constitutionibus cauta sunt, non poterit privilegio naviculariis indulto uti. idque et divi fratres rescripserunt in haec verba: ‘Ἦσαν καὶ ἄλλοι τινὲς ἐπὶ προφάσει τῶν ναυκλήρων καὶ τὸν σῖτον καὶ ἔλαιον ἐμπορευομένων εἰς τὴν ἀγορὰν τοῦ δήμου τοῦ Ῥωμαϊκοῦ ὄντων ἀτελῶν ἀξιοῦντες τὰς λειτουργίας διαδιδράσκειν, μήτε ἐπιπλέοντες μήτε τὸ πλέον μέρος τῆς οὐσίας ἐν ταῖς ναυκληρίαις καὶ ταῖς ἐμπορίαις ἔχοντες. ἀφαιρεθήτω τῶν τοιούτων ἡ ἀτέλεια’. 7Hoc circa vacationes dicendum est, ut, si ante quis ad munera municipalia vocatus sit, quam negotiari inciperet, vel antequam in collegium adsumeretur quod immunitatem pariat, vel antequam septuagenarius fieret. vel antequam publice profiteretur, vel antequam liberos susciperet, compellatur ad honorem gerendum. 8Negotiatio pro incremento facultatium exercenda est. alioquin si quis maiore pecuniae suae parte negotiationem exercebit, rursus locuples factus in eadem quantitate negotiationis perseveraverit, tenebitur muneribus, sicuti locupletes, qui modica pecunia comparatis navibus muneribus se publicis subtrahere temptant: idque ita observandum epistula divi Hadriani scripta est. 9Divus quoque Pius rescripsit, ut, quotiens de aliquo naviculario quaeratur, illud excutiatur, an effugiendorum munerum causa imaginem navicularii induat. 10Conductores etiam vectigalium fisci necessitate subeundorum municipalium munerum non obstringuntur: idque ita observandum divi fratres rescripserunt. ex quo principali rescripto intellegi potest non honori conductorum datum, ne compellantur ad munera municipalia, sed ne extenuentur facultates eorum, quae subsignatae sint fisco. unde subsisti potest, an prohibendi sint a praeside vel procuratore Caesaris etiam si ultro se offerant municipalibus muneribus: quod propius est defendere, nisi si paria fisco fecisse dicantur. 11Coloni quoque Caesaris a muneribus liberantur, ut idoniores praediis fiscalibus habeantur. 12Quibusdam collegiis vel corporibus, quibus ius coeundi lege permissum est, immunitas tribuitur: scilicet eis collegiis vel corporibus, in quibus artificii sui causa unusquisque adsumitur, ut fabrorum corpus est et si qua eandem rationem originis habent, id est idcirco instituta sunt, ut necessariam operam publicis utilitatibus exhiberent. nec omnibus promiscue, qui adsumpti sunt in his collegiis, immunitas datur, sed artificibus dumtaxat. nec ab omni aetate allegi possunt, ut divo Pio placuit, qui reprobavit prolixae vel inbecillae admodum aetatis homines. sed ne quidem eos, qui augeant facultates et munera civitatium sustinere possunt, privilegiis, quae tenuioribus per collegia distributis concessa sunt, uti posse plurifariam constitutum est. 13Eos, qui in corporibus allecti sunt, quae immunitatem praebent naviculariorum, si honorem decurionatus adgnoverint, compellendos subire publica munera accepi: idque etiam confirmatum videtur rescripto divi Pertinacis.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. Old age has always been greatly venerated in our City. For our ancestors treated old men with almost the same reverence as magistrates, and the same honor was granted to old age with reference to municipal obligations which were required to be performed. Anyone, however, who became rich in his old age, and had not previously exercised the functions of any public employment, cannot be said to be exempt from such a charge by the privilege of his years, and especially if the administration of the office imposed upon him does not require corporeal exertion as much as the payment of money, because it is not easy to find men enough properly qualified in the City to discharge public duties. 1It is also necessary to take into consideration the custom of every place, and see whether any immunities are expressly granted, and also whether anything is mentioned with reference to the number of years required to obtain them. This can also be ascertained from the Rescripts of the Divine Pius, which he sent to Ennius, Proconsul of the Province of Africa. 2It is clearly and plainly stated, according to Rescripts of the Divine Ælius Pertinax, that the number of children affords a valid excuse from municipal employments; for he stated the following in a Rescript addressed to Julius Candidus: “Although the number of children does not exempt a father from all public employments, still because you have notified me in your petition that you have sixteen, it is not unreasonable for us to grant you exemption from public office, to enable you to bring up your children.” 3Traders, who assist in furnishing provisions to a city, as well as sailors who also provide for its necessities, will obtain exemption from public office, as long as they continue to do this; for it very properly has been decided that the risks which they incur should be suitably recompensed, so that those who perform such public duties outside of their own country with risk and labor should be exempt from annoyances and expenses at home; as it may not incorrectly be said that even they are absent on business for the government when they are employed in collecting provisions for a city. 4A certain specific character is given to the immunity bestowed upon the owners of vessels, which immunity they alone are entitled to; for it is not conferred either upon their children or their freedmen. This is set forth in the Imperial Constitutions. 5The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that only those ship owners should be entitled to immunity who provided subsistence for the City. 6Although anyone may belong to the association of ship owners, if he has neither a ship nor vessels, nor anything else which is provided for by the Imperial Constitutions, he cannot avail himself of the privilege granted to ship owners; and the Divine Brothers stated the following in a Rescript: “Where there are any persons who claim that they are immune from public employments, under the pretext of transporting grain and oil by sea, for the benefit of the Roman people, and they are not engaged in maritime traffic, and have not the greater portion of their property invested in maritime business and commodities, they shall be deprived of the immunity which they enjoy.” 7It must be said with reference to the. following exemptions that where anyone was called to municipal employments before he engaged in commerce, and before he was admitted to an association formed by those engaged in the same pursuit (for the reason that he obtained immunity), whether before he became seventy years of age and publicly stated the fact, or had the requisite number of children, he should be compelled to assume the duties of the office to which he was appointed. 8Maritime commerce is prosecuted for the purpose of increasing one’s property, otherwise, if anyone should carry it on with the greater part of his money, and he, having become still more wealthy, should continue to transact the same volume of business, he will be liable to public service, just as wealthy persons who having purchased ships for a small sum attempt to evade the duties of municipal office. It is stated in a Rescript of the Divine Hadrian that this rule should be observed. 9The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that, whenever a question arose as to whether anyone belonged to the association of ship owners, it should be ascertained whether he had assumed the character of one for the purpose of avoiding public employment. 10Farmers of the revenue, also, are not reduced to the necessity of exercising municipal employments. The Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript that this rule should be observed. From this Imperial Rescript it can be understood that it is not granted as a privilege to farmers of the revenue, that they should not be compelled to exercise municipal employments; but to prevent their property, which is already bound to the Treasury, from being subjected to further liability. Wherefore, it may be doubted if they should voluntarily offer to accept public office, whether they should be prevented from doing so by the Governor of the province, or by the Manager of the Imperial Revenues. The latter opinion is the more easy to maintain, unless they are said to be ready to settle their accounts with the Treasury. 11Farmers of the Imperial demesnes are exempt from municipal employments in order that they may be better adapted to the cultivation of the land belonging to the Treasury. 12Immunity is conceded to certain associations or corporate bodies, to which the right of assembly has been granted by law; that is to say, to associations or corporate bodies to which each person is admitted on account of his occupation, as, for instance, the Society of Artisans, provided they have the same origin; for instance, if they have been organized in order to perform labor necessary for the public welfare. Immunity is not indiscriminately granted to all those who are admitted to these associations, but only to artisans, for it was decided by the Divine Pius that persons of every age could not be chosen; and he disapproved of the admission of those of an advanced or decrepit age. And, in order that individuals who had become wealthy might not avoid the responsibility attaching to civil office, it was decided in many places that persons could avail themselves of the privileges which had been granted by such associations to anyone in reduced circumstances. 13I have been informed that when persons who have been elected to membership in corporate bodies, which afford immunity to their members, as, for instance, that of ship owners, obtain the honor of the decurionate, they should be compelled to exercise public employments. This seems to be confirmed by a Rescript of the Divine Pertinax.
Dig. 50,13,5Callistratus libro primo de cognitionibus. Cognitionum numerus cum ex variis causis descendat, in genera dividi facile non potest, nisi summatim dividatur. numerus ergo cognitionum in quattuor fere genera dividi potest: aut enim de honoribus sive muneribus gerendis agitatur, aut de re pecuniaria disceptatur, aut de existimatione alicuius cognoscitur, aut de capitali crimine quaeritur. 1Existimatio est dignitatis inlaesae status, legibus ac moribus comprobatus, qui ex delicto nostro auctoritate legum aut minuitur aut consumitur. 2Minuitur existimatio, quotiens manente libertate circa statum dignitatis poena plectimur: sicuti cum relegatur quis vel cum ordine movetur vel cum prohibetur honoribus publicis fungi vel cum plebeius fustibus caeditur vel in opus publicum datur vel cum in eam causam quis incidit, quae edicto perpetuo infamiae causa enumeratur. 3Consumitur vero, quotiens magna capitis minutio intervenit, id est cum libertas adimitur: veluti cum aqua et igni interdicitur, quae in persona deportatorum evenit, vel cum plebeius in opus metalli vel in metallum datur: nihil enim refert, nec diversa poena est operis et metalli, nisi quod refugae operis non morte, sed poena metalli subiciuntur.
Callistratus, On Judicial Inquiries, Book I. The number of judicial inquiries is derived from various sources, and cannot easily be divided into different kinds, unless this is done cursorily. Hence the number of judicial inquiries is generally divided into four kinds; for they usually have reference to the administration of offices or employments; or to disputes concerning pecuniary matters; or inquiry is made concerning someone’s reputation; or a capital crime is investigated. 1Reputation is the condition of unimpaired dignity approved by law and custom, which is either diminished or destroyed by legal authority on account of some offence which we have committed. 2Reputation is impaired whenever we, while retaining our liberty, are punished by a penalty affecting our status; as, for instance, when anyone is relegated or dismissed from his order; or when he is forbidden to discharge the duties of a public office; or when a plebeian is whipped, or sentenced to the public works; or when anyone is in such a condition as to be considered infamous under the terms of the Perpetual Edict. 3Reputation is entirely lost when a great change of civil condition takes place, that is to say, when liberty is forfeited; for example, where anyone is prohibited the use of water and fire, which results when a person is deported, or when a plebeian is condemned to labor connected with the mines, or to the mines; for there is no difference between these two sentences, nor are the penalty of labor connected with the mines and sentence to the mines dissimilar, except that in the former the penalty of civil death is not inflicted, but in the second, the offender is liable to it.