Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Arc. De muneribus civilibus lib. sg.Arcadii Charisii De muneribus civilibus liber singularis

De muneribus civilibus liber singularis

Dig. 1,1De iustitia et iure (Concerning Justice and Law.)Dig. 1,2De origine iuris et omnium magistratuum et successione prudentium (Concerning the Origin of Law and of All Magistrates, Together With a Succession of Jurists.)Dig. 1,3De legibus senatusque consultis et longa consuetudine (Concerning Statutes, Decrees of the Senate, and Long Established Customs.)Dig. 1,4De constitutionibus principum (Concerning the Constitutions of the Emperors.)Dig. 1,5De statu hominum (Concerning the Condition of Men.)Dig. 1,6De his qui sui vel alieni iuris sunt (Concerning Those Who Are Their Own Masters, and Those That Are Under the Control of Others.)Dig. 1,7De adoptionibus et emancipationibus et aliis modis quibus potestas solvitur (Concerning Adoptions and Emancipations, and Other Methods by Which Paternal Authority is Dissolved.)Dig. 1,8De divisione rerum et qualitate (Concerning the Division and Nature of Things.)Dig. 1,9De senatoribus (Concerning Senators.)Dig. 1,10De officio consulis (Concerning the Office of Consul.)Dig. 1,11De officio praefecti praetorio (Concerning the Office of Prætorian Prefect.)Dig. 1,12De officio praefecti urbi (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the City.)Dig. 1,13De officio quaestoris (Concerning the Office of Quæstor.)Dig. 1,14De officio praetorum (Concerning the Office of the Prætors.)Dig. 1,15De officio praefecti vigilum (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the Night Watch.)Dig. 1,16De officio proconsulis et legati (Concerning the Office of Proconsul, and his Deputy.)Dig. 1,17De officio praefecti Augustalis (Concerning the Office of Augustal Prefect.)Dig. 1,18De officio praesidis (Concerning the Office of Governor.)Dig. 1,19De officio procuratoris Caesaris vel rationalis (Concerning the Office of the Imperial Steward or Accountant.)Dig. 1,20De officio iuridici (Concerning the Office of Juridicus.)Dig. 1,21De officio eius, cui mandata est iurisdictio (Concerning the Office of Him to Whom Jurisdiction is Delegated.)Dig. 1,22De officio adsessorum (Concerning the Office of Assessors.)
Dig. 2,1De iurisdictione (Concerning Jurisdiction.)Dig. 2,2Quod quisque iuris in alterum statuerit, ut ipse eodem iure utatur (Each One Must Himself Use the Law Which He Has Established for Others.)Dig. 2,3Si quis ius dicenti non obtemperaverit (Where Anyone Refuses Obedience to a Magistrate Rendering Judgment.)Dig. 2,4De in ius vocando (Concerning Citations Before a Court of Justice.)Dig. 2,5Si quis in ius vocatus non ierit sive quis eum vocaverit, quem ex edicto non debuerit (Where Anyone Who is Summoned Does Not Appear, and Where Anyone Summoned a Person Whom, According to the Edict, He Should Not Have Summoned.)Dig. 2,6In ius vocati ut eant aut satis vel cautum dent (Persons Who Are Summoned Must Either Appear, or Give Bond or Security to Do So.)Dig. 2,7Ne quis eum qui in ius vocabitur vi eximat (No One Can Forcibly Remove a Person Who Has Been Summoned to Court.)Dig. 2,8Qui satisdare cogantur vel iurato promittant vel suae promissioni committantur (What Persons Are Compelled to Give a Surety, and Who Can Make a Promise Under Oath, or Be Bound by a Mere Promise.)Dig. 2,9Si ex noxali causa agatur, quemadmodum caveatur (In What Way Security Must Be Given in a Noxal Action.)Dig. 2,10De eo per quem factum erit quominus quis in iudicio sistat (Concerning One Who Prevents a Person From Appearing in Court.)Dig. 2,11Si quis cautionibus in iudicio sistendi causa factis non obtemperaverit (Where a Party Who Has Given a Bond to Appear in Court Does Not Do So.)Dig. 2,12De feriis et dilationibus et diversis temporibus (Concerning Festivals, Delays, and Different Seasons.)Dig. 2,13De edendo (Concerning the Statement of a Case.)Dig. 2,14De pactis (Concerning Agreements.)Dig. 2,15De transactionibus (Concerning Compromises.)
Dig. 27,1De excusationibus (Concerning the Excuses of Guardians and Curators.)Dig. 27,2Ubi pupillus educari vel morari debeat et de alimentis ei praestandis (Where a Ward Should Be Brought Up, or Reside, and Concerning the Support Which Should Be Furnished Him.)Dig. 27,3De tutelae et rationibus distrahendis et utili curationis causa actione (Concerning the Action to Compel an Accounting for Guardianship, and the Equitable Action Based on Curatorship.)Dig. 27,4De contraria tutelae et utili actione (Concerning the Counter-action on Guardianship and the Prætorian Action.)Dig. 27,5De eo qui pro tutore prove curatore negotia gessit (Concerning One Who Transacts Business as Acting Guardian or Curator.)Dig. 27,6Quod falso tutore auctore gestum esse dicatur (Concerning Business Transacted Under the Authority of a False Guardian.)Dig. 27,7De fideiussoribus et nominatoribus et heredibus tutorum et curatorum (Concerning the Sureties of Guardians and Curators and Those Who Have Offered Them, and the Heirs of the Former.)Dig. 27,8De magistratibus conveniendis (Concerning Suits Against Magistrates.)Dig. 27,9De rebus eorum, qui sub tutela vel cura sunt, sine decreto non alienandis vel supponendis (Concerning the Property of Those Who Are Under Guardianship or Curatorship, and With Reference To The Alienation or Encumbrance of Their Property Without a Decree.)Dig. 27,10De curatoribus furioso et aliis extra minores dandis (Concerning the Appointment of Curators for Insane Persons and Others Who Are Not Minors.)
Dig. 37,1De bonorum possessionibus (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property.)Dig. 37,2Si tabulae testamenti extabunt (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where There is a Will.)Dig. 37,3De bonorum possessione furioso infanti muto surdo caeco competente (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Granted to an Insane Person, an Infant, or One Who is Dumb, Deaf, or Blind.)Dig. 37,4De bonorum possessione contra tabulas (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,5De legatis praestandis contra tabulas bonorum possessione petita (Concerning the Payment of Legacies Where Prætorian Possession of an Estate is Obtained Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,6De collatione bonorum (Concerning the Collation of Property.)Dig. 37,7De dotis collatione (Concerning Collation of the Dowry.)Dig. 37,8De coniungendis cum emancipato liberis eius (Concerning the Contribution to be Made Between an Emancipated Son and His Children.)Dig. 37,9De ventre in possessionem mittendo et curatore eius (Concerning the Placing of an Unborn Child in Possession of an Estate, and his Curator.)Dig. 37,10De Carboniano edicto (Concerning the Carbonian Edict.)Dig. 37,11De bonorum possessione secundum tabulas (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in Accordance with the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,12Si a parente quis manumissus sit (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where a Son Has Been Manumitted by His Father.)Dig. 37,13De bonorum possessione ex testamento militis (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in the Case of the Will of a Soldier.)Dig. 37,14De iure patronatus (Concerning the Right of Patronage.)Dig. 37,15De obsequiis parentibus et patronis praestandis (Concerning the Respect Which Should be Shown to Parents and Patrons.)
Dig. 38,1De operis libertorum (Concerning the Services of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,2De bonis libertorum (Concerning the Property of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,3De libertis universitatium (Concerning the Freedmen of Municipalities.)Dig. 38,4De adsignandis libertis (Concerning the Assignment of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,5Si quid in fraudem patroni factum sit (Where Anything is Done to Defraud the Patron.)Dig. 38,6Si tabulae testamenti nullae extabunt, unde liberi (Where no Will is in Existence by Which Children May be Benefited.)Dig. 38,7Unde legitimi (Concerning Prætorian Possession by Agnates.)Dig. 38,8Unde cognati (Concerning the Prætorian Possession Granted to Cognates.)Dig. 38,9De successorio edicto (Concerning the Successory Edict.)Dig. 38,10De gradibus et adfinibus et nominibus eorum (Concerning the Degrees of Relationship and Affinity and Their Different Names.)Dig. 38,11Unde vir et uxor (Concerning Prætorian Possession With Reference to Husband and Wife.)Dig. 38,12De veteranorum et militum successione (Concerning the Succession of Veterans and Soldiers.)Dig. 38,13Quibus non competit bonorum possessio (Concerning Those Who are Not Entitled to Prætorian Possession of an Estate.)Dig. 38,14Ut ex legibus senatusve consultis bonorum possessio detur (Concerning Prætorian Possession of Property Granted by Special Laws or Decrees of the Senate.)Dig. 38,15Quis ordo in possessionibus servetur (What Order is to be Observed in Granting Prætorian Possession.)Dig. 38,16De suis et legitimis heredibus (Concerning Proper Heirs and Heirs at Law.)Dig. 38,17Ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum (On the Tertullian and Orphitian Decrees of the Senate.)
Dig. 40,1De manumissionibus (Concerning Manumissions.)Dig. 40,2De manumissis vindicta (Concerning Manumissions Before a Magistrate.)Dig. 40,3De manumissionibus quae servis ad universitatem pertinentibus imponuntur (Concerning the Manumission of Slaves Belonging to a Community.)Dig. 40,4De manumissis testamento (Concerning Testamentary Manumissions.)Dig. 40,5De fideicommissariis libertatibus (Concerning Freedom Granted Under the Terms of a Trust.)Dig. 40,6De ademptione libertatis (Concerning the Deprivation of Freedom.)Dig. 40,7De statuliberis (Concerning Slaves Who are to be Free Under a Certain Condition.)Dig. 40,8Qui sine manumissione ad libertatem perveniunt (Concerning Slaves Who Obtain Their Freedom Without Manumission.)Dig. 40,9Qui et a quibus manumissi liberi non fiunt et ad legem Aeliam Sentiam (What Slaves, Having Been Manumitted, do not Become Free, by Whom This is Done; and on the Law of Ælia Sentia.)Dig. 40,10De iure aureorum anulorum (Concerning the Right to Wear a Gold Ring.)Dig. 40,11De natalibus restituendis (Concerning the Restitution of the Rights of Birth.)Dig. 40,12De liberali causa (Concerning Actions Relating to Freedom.)Dig. 40,13Quibus ad libertatem proclamare non licet (Concerning Those Who are Not Permitted to Demand Their Freedom.)Dig. 40,14Si ingenuus esse dicetur (Where Anyone is Decided to be Freeborn.)Dig. 40,15Ne de statu defunctorum post quinquennium quaeratur (No Question as to the Condition of Deceased Persons Shall be Raised After Five Years Have Elapsed After Their Death.)Dig. 40,16De collusione detegenda (Concerning the Detection of Collusion.)
Dig. 43,1De interdictis sive extraordinariis actionibus, quae pro his competunt (Concerning Interdicts or the Extraordinary Proceedings to Which They Give Rise.)Dig. 43,2Quorum bonorum (Concerning the Interdict Quorum Bonorum.)Dig. 43,3Quod legatorum (Concerning the Interdict Quod Legatorum.)Dig. 43,4Ne vis fiat ei, qui in possessionem missus erit (Concerning the Interdict Which Prohibits Violence Being Employed Against a Person Placed in Possession.)Dig. 43,5De tabulis exhibendis (Concerning the Production of Papers Relating to a Will.)Dig. 43,6Ne quid in loco sacro fiat (Concerning the Interdict for the Purpose of Preventing Anything Being Done in a Sacred Place.)Dig. 43,7De locis et itineribus publicis (Concerning the Interdict Relating to Public Places and Highways.)Dig. 43,8Ne quid in loco publico vel itinere fiat (Concerning the Interdict Forbidding Anything to be Done in a Public Place or on a Highway.)Dig. 43,9De loco publico fruendo (Concerning the Edict Relating to the Enjoyment of a Public Place.)Dig. 43,10De via publica et si quid in ea factum esse dicatur (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Public Streets and Anything Done Therein.)Dig. 43,11De via publica et itinere publico reficiendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Repairs of Public Streets and Highways.)Dig. 43,12De fluminibus. ne quid in flumine publico ripave eius fiat, quo peius navigetur (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Rivers and the Prevention of Anything Being Done in Them or on Their Banks Which May Interfere With Navigation.)Dig. 43,13Ne quid in flumine publico fiat, quo aliter aqua fluat, atque uti priore aestate fluxit (Concerning the Interdict to Prevent Anything From Being Built in a Public River or on Its Bank Which Might Cause the Water to Flow in a Different Direction Than it did During the Preceding Summer.)Dig. 43,14Ut in flumine publico navigare liceat (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Use of a Public River for Navigation.)Dig. 43,15De ripa munienda (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Raising the Banks of Streams.)Dig. 43,16De vi et de vi armata (Concerning the Interdict Against Violence and Armed Force.)Dig. 43,17Uti possidetis (Concerning the Interdict Uti Possidetis.)Dig. 43,18De superficiebus (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Surface of the Land.)Dig. 43,19De itinere actuque privato (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Private Rights of Way.)Dig. 43,20De aqua cottidiana et aestiva (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Water Used Every Day and to Such as is Only Used During the Summer.)Dig. 43,21De rivis (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to Conduits.)Dig. 43,22De fonte (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Springs.)Dig. 43,23De cloacis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Sewers.)Dig. 43,24Quod vi aut clam (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Works Undertaken by Violence or Clandestinely.)Dig. 43,25De remissionibus (Concerning the Withdrawal of Opposition.)Dig. 43,26De precario (Concerning Precarious Tenures.)Dig. 43,27De arboribus caedendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Cutting of Trees.)Dig. 43,28De glande legenda (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Gathering of Fruit Which Has Fallen From the Premises of One Person Upon Those of Another.)Dig. 43,29De homine libero exhibendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of a Person Who Is Free.)Dig. 43,30De liberis exhibendis, item ducendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of Children and Their Recovery.)Dig. 43,31Utrubi (Concerning the Interdict Utrubi.)Dig. 43,32De migrando (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Removal of Tenants.)Dig. 43,33De Salviano interdicto (Concerning the Salvian Interdict.)
Dig. 47,1De privatis delictis (Concerning Private Offences.)Dig. 47,2De furtis (Concerning Thefts.)Dig. 47,3De tigno iuncto (Concerning the Theft of Timbers Joined to a Building.)Dig. 47,4Si is, qui testamento liber esse iussus erit, post mortem domini ante aditam hereditatem subripuisse aut corrupisse quid dicetur (Where Anyone Who is Ordered to be Free by the Terms of a Will, After the Death of His Master and Before the Estate is Entered Upon, is Said to Have Stolen or Spoiled Something.)Dig. 47,5Furti adversus nautas caupones stabularios (Concerning Theft Committed Against Captains of Vessels, Innkeepers, and Landlords.)Dig. 47,6Si familia furtum fecisse dicetur (Concerning Thefts Alleged to Have Been Made by an Entire Body of Slaves.)Dig. 47,7Arborum furtim caesarum (Concerning Trees Cut Down by Stealth.)Dig. 47,8Vi bonorum raptorum et de turba (Concerning the Robbery of Property by Violence, and Disorderly Assemblages.)Dig. 47,9De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata (Concerning Fire, Destruction, and Shipwreck, Where a Boat or a Ship is Taken by Force.)Dig. 47,10De iniuriis et famosis libellis (Concerning Injuries and Infamous Libels.)Dig. 47,11De extraordinariis criminibus (Concerning the Arbitrary Punishment of Crime.)Dig. 47,12De sepulchro violato (Concerning the Violation of Sepulchres.)Dig. 47,13De concussione (Concerning Extortion.)Dig. 47,14De abigeis (Concerning Those Who Steal Cattle.)Dig. 47,15De praevaricatione (Concerning Prevarication.)Dig. 47,16De receptatoribus (Concerning Those Who Harbor Criminals.)Dig. 47,17De furibus balneariis (Concerning Thieves Who Steal in Baths.)Dig. 47,18De effractoribus et expilatoribus (Concerning Those Who Break Out of Prison, and Plunderers.)Dig. 47,19Expilatae hereditatis (Concerning the Spoliation of Estates.)Dig. 47,20Stellionatus (Concerning Stellionatus.)Dig. 47,21De termino moto (Concerning the Removal of Boundaries.)Dig. 47,22De collegiis et corporibus (Concerning Associations and Corporations.)Dig. 47,23De popularibus actionibus (Concerning Popular Actions.)
Dig. 48,1De publicis iudiciis (On Criminal Prosecutions.)Dig. 48,2De accusationibus et inscriptionibus (Concerning Accusations and Inscriptions.)Dig. 48,3De custodia et exhibitione reorum (Concerning the Custody and Appearance of Defendants in Criminal Cases.)Dig. 48,4Ad legem Iuliam maiestatis (On the Julian Law Relating to the Crime of Lese Majesty.)Dig. 48,5Ad legem Iuliam de adulteriis coercendis (Concerning the Julian Law for the Punishment of Adultery.)Dig. 48,6Ad legem Iuliam de vi publica (Concerning the Julian Law on Public Violence.)Dig. 48,7Ad legem Iuliam de vi privata (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Private Violence.)Dig. 48,8Ad legem Corneliam de siccariis et veneficis (Concerning the Cornelian Law Relating to Assassins and Poisoners.)Dig. 48,9De lege Pompeia de parricidiis (Concerning the Pompeian Law on Parricides.)Dig. 48,10De lege Cornelia de falsis et de senatus consulto Liboniano (Concerning the Cornelian Law on Deceit and the Libonian Decree of the Senate.)Dig. 48,11De lege Iulia repetundarum (Concerning the Julian Law on Extortion.)Dig. 48,12De lege Iulia de annona (Concerning the Julian Law on Provisions.)Dig. 48,13Ad legem Iuliam peculatus et de sacrilegis et de residuis (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Peculation, Sacrilege, and Balances.)Dig. 48,14De lege Iulia ambitus (Concerning the Julian Law With Reference to the Unlawful Seeking of Office.)Dig. 48,15De lege Fabia de plagiariis (Concerning the Favian Law With Reference to Kidnappers.)Dig. 48,16Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum et de abolitionibus criminum (Concerning the Turpillian Decree of the Senate and the Dismissal of Charges.)Dig. 48,17De requirendis vel absentibus damnandis (Concerning the Conviction of Persons Who Are Sought For or Are Absent.)Dig. 48,18De quaestionibus (Concerning Torture.)Dig. 48,19De poenis (Concerning Punishments.)Dig. 48,20De bonis damnatorum (Concerning the Property of Persons Who Have Been Convicted.)Dig. 48,21De bonis eorum, qui ante sententiam vel mortem sibi consciverunt vel accusatorem corruperunt (Concerning the Property of Those Who Have Either Killed Themselves or Corrupted Their Accusers Before Judgment Has Been Rendered.)Dig. 48,22De interdictis et relegatis et deportatis (Concerning Persons Who Are Interdicted, Relegated, and Deported.)Dig. 48,23De sententiam passis et restitutis (Concerning Persons Upon Whom Sentence Has Been Passed and Who Have Been Restored to Their Rights.)Dig. 48,24De cadaveribus punitorum (Concerning the Corpses of Persons Who Are Punished.)
Dig. 49,1De appellationibus et relegationibus (On Appeals and Reports.)Dig. 49,2A quibus appellari non licet (From What Persons It Is Not Permitted to Appeal.)Dig. 49,3Quis a quo appelletur (To Whom and From Whom an Appeal Can be Taken.)Dig. 49,4Quando appellandum sit et intra quae tempora (When an Appeal Should be Taken, and Within What Time.)Dig. 49,5De appellationibus recipiendis vel non (Concerning the Acceptance or Rejection of Appeals.)Dig. 49,6De libellis dimissoriis, qui apostoli dicuntur (Concerning Notices of Appeal Called Dispatches.)Dig. 49,7Nihil innovari appellatione interposita (No Change Shall be Made After the Appeal Has Been Interposed.)Dig. 49,8Quae sententiae sine appellatione rescindantur (What Decisions Can be Rescinded Without an Appeal.)Dig. 49,9An per alium causae appellationum reddi possunt (Whether the Reasons for an Appeal Can be Presented by Another.)Dig. 49,10Si tutor vel curator magistratusve creatus appellaverit (Where a Guardian, a Curator, or a Magistrate Having Been Appointed, Appeals.)Dig. 49,11Eum qui appellaverit in provincia defendi (He Who Appeals Should Be Defended in His Own Province.)Dig. 49,12Apud eum, a quo appellatur, aliam causam agere compellendum (Where a Party Litigant is Compelled to Bring Another Action Before the Judge From Whose Decision He Has Already Appealed.)Dig. 49,13Si pendente appellatione mors intervenerit (If Death Should Occur While an Appeal is Pending.)Dig. 49,14De iure fisci (Concerning the Rights of the Treasury.)Dig. 49,15De captivis et de postliminio et redemptis ab hostibus (Concerning Captives, the Right of Postliminium, and Persons Ransomed From the Enemy.)Dig. 49,16De re militari (Concerning Military Affairs.)Dig. 49,17De castrensi peculio (Concerning Castrense Peculium.)Dig. 49,18De veteranis (Concerning Veterans.)

Dig. 50,4,18Arcadius Charisius libro singulari de muneribus civilibus. Munerum civilium triplex divisio est: nam quaedam munera personalia sunt, quaedam patrimoniorum dicuntur, alia mixta. 1Personalia sunt, quae animi provisione et corporalis laboris intentione sine aliquo gerentis detrimento perpetrantur, veluti tutela vel cura, kalendarii quoque curatio. 2Et quaestura in aliqua civitate inter honores non habetur, sed personale munus est. 3Tironum sive equorum productio et si qua alia animalia necessario producenda vel res pervehendae sive persequendae sunt vel pecunia fiscalis sive annona vel vestis, personae munus est. 4Cursus vehicularis sollicitudo, item angariarum praebitio personale munus est. 5Cura quoque emendi frumenti olei (nam harum specierum curatores, quos σιτώνας et ἐλαιώνας appellant, creari moris est) inter personalia munera in quibusdam civitatibus numerantur: et calefactio publici balinei, si ex reditibus alicuius civitatis curatori pecunia subministratur. 6Sed et cura custodiendi aquae ductus personalibus muneribus adgregatur. 7Irenarchae quoque, qui disciplinae publicae et corrigendis moribus praeficiuntur: sed et qui ad faciendas vias eligi solent, cum nihil de proprio patrimonio in hoc munus conferant: item episcopi, qui praesunt pani et ceteris venalibus rebus, quae civitatium populis ad cotidianum victum usui sunt, personalibus muneribus funguntur. 8Qui annonam suscipit vel exigit vel erogat, et exactores pecuniae pro capitibus personalis muneris sollicitudinem sustinent. 9Sed et curatores, qui ad colligendos civitatium publicos reditus eligi solent, personali munere subiugantur. 10Hi quoque, qui custodes aedium vel archeotae vel logographi vel tabularii vel xenoparochi (ut in quibusdam civitatibus) vel limenarchae vel curatores ad extruenda vel reficienda aedificia publica sive palatia sive navalia vel mansiones destinantur, si tamen pecuniam publicam in operis fabricam erogent, et qui faciendis vel reficiendis navibus, ubi usus exigit, praeponuntur, muneribus personalibus adstringuntur. 11Camelasia quoque similiter personale munus est: nam ratione habita et alimentorum et camelorum certa pecunia camelariis dari debet, ut solo corporis ministerio obligentur. hos ex albi ordine liberari, nisi sola laesi et inutilis corporis et infirmitate, specialiter sit expressum. 12Legati quoque, qui ad sacrarium principis mittuntur, quia viaticum, quod legativum dicitur, interdum solent accipere, sed et nyctostrategi et pistrinorum curatores personale munus ineunt. 13Defensores quoque, quos Graeci syndicos appellant, et qui ad certam causam agendam vel defendendam eliguntur, laborem personalis muneris adgrediuntur. 14Iudicandi quoque necessitas inter munera personalia habetur. 15Si aliquis fuerit electus, ut compellat eos, qui prope viam publicam possident, sternere viam, personale munus est. 16Pari modo qui acceptandis sive suscipiendis censualibus professionibus destinantur, ad personalis muneris sollicitudinem animum intendunt. 17Mastigophori quoque, qui agonothetas in certaminibus comitantur, et scribae magistratus personali muneri serviunt. 18Patrimoniorum sunt munera, quae sumptibus patrimonii et damnis administrantis expediuntur. 19Elemporia et pratura apud Alexandrinos patrimonii munus existimatur. 20Susceptores quoque vini per provinciam Africam patrimonii munus gerunt. 21Patrimoniorum autem munera duplicia sunt. nam quaedam ex his muneribus possessionibus sive patrimoniis indicuntur, veluti agminales equi vel mulae et angariae atque veredi. 22Huiusmodi igitur obsequia et hi, qui neque municipes neque incolae sunt, adgnoscere coguntur. 23Sed et eos, qui faenus exercent, etsi veterani sint, tributiones eiusmodi adgnoscere debere rescriptum est. 24Ab huiusmodi muneribus neque primipilaris neque veteranus aut miles aliusve, qui privilegio aliquo subnixus, nec pontifex excusatur. 25Praeterea habent quaedam civitates praerogativam, ut hi, qui in territorio earum possident, certum quid frumenti pro mensura agri per singulos annos praebeant: quod genus collationis munus possessionis est. 26Mixta munera decaprotiae et icosaprotiae, ut Herennius Modestinus et notando et disputando bene et optima ratione decrevit: nam decaproti et icosaproti tributa exigentes et corporale ministerium gerunt et pro omnibus defunctorum fiscalia detrimenta resarciunt, ut merito inter mixta hoc munus numerari debeat. 27Sed ea, quae supra personalia esse diximus, si hi qui funguntur ex lege civitatis suae vel more etiam de propriis facultatibus impensas faciant vel annonam exigentes desertorum praediorum damna sustineant, mixtorum definitione continebuntur. 28Haec omnia munera, quae trifariam divisimus, una significatione comprehenduntur: nam personalia et patrimoniorum et mixta munera civilia seu publica appellantur. 29Sive autem personalium dumtaxat sive etiam civilium munerum immunitas alicui concedatur, neque ab annona neque ab angariis neque a veredo neque ab hospite recipiendo neque a nave neque capitatione, exceptis militibus et veteranis, excusari possunt. 30Magistris, qui civilium munerum vacationem habent, item grammaticis et oratoribus et medicis et philosophis, ne hospitem reciperent, a principibus fuisse immunitatem indultam et divus Vespasianus et divus Hadrianus rescripserunt.

Arcadius Charisius, On Civil Employments. There are three kinds of civil employments, for some are called personal, others are styled patrimonial, and others are mixed. 1Personal employments are those which are carried on by the application of the mind, and the exertion of corporeal labor, without resulting in any detriment to the person who administers them; as, for instance, guardianship or curatorship. 2The keeping of accounts and the collection of money in any town is not considered an honorable employment but a personal one. 3The conducting of recruits, or horses, or any other animals necessary for the transportation or pursuit of public property, or of money belonging to the Treasury, or of provisions or clothing, is a personal employment. 4The supervision of posts and couriers is a personal employment. 5The care of purchasing grain and oil (as it is customary to appoint persons for duties of this kind, who are called purveyors of grain and oil), is, in some towns, included among personal employments, as well as the duty of heating the public baths, when the money provided by the official in charge is obtained from the revenues of any municipality. 6The preservation of aqueducts is included in personal employments. 7Irenarchs are officials who are appointed to maintain public discipline and the preservation of morals. Those who are selected for the construction of highways, when they can contribute nothing out of their own property for this purpose, along with those who are appointed to supervise the sale of bread and other provisions necessary to the daily sustenance of the people of towns, administer personal employments. 8Persons who have charge of either the collection or distribution of public provisions, and collectors of individual taxes administer personal employments. 9Officials who are usually chosen for the collection of the public revenues of towns exercise a personal employment. 10Those also who are the guardians of temples, or who have charge of the archives; writers of orations and book-keepers; those who furnish entertainment to strangers, as in certain cities; those who have superintendence of harbors; officials charged with the construction or repair of public buildings, whether palaces, or naval arsenals, or such as are destined for military quarters, who expend the public money in the erection of buildings, or for the construction or repair of ships, when this is necessary, administer personal employments. 11The driving of camels is also a personal employment, for a certain amount should be given to the camel-drivers for the support of themselves and their camels, and an account kept of the same, so that they will only be compelled to furnish manual labor. These should be called according to the order in which they are registered, and should not be released by any excuse, unless it is expressly shown that they are suffering from some corporeal injury, or weakness. 12Messengers who are despatched to the Emperor sometimes receive their necessary travelling expenses, but the officers of the night-watch and the superintendents of mills administer personal employments. 13The defenders also, whom the Greeks call syndics, and who are selected for the prosecution or defence of some case, exercise personal employment. 14The duty of rendering decisions is also classed among personal employments. 15When anyone is chosen to compel persons to construct pavements in front of the public highways, this employment is personal. 16In like manner, those who are appointed for the collection of taxes perform the functions relating to a personal employment. 17The officials who accompany the contestants in games, and the clerks of magistrates, also discharge the functions of personal employments. 18Patrimonial employments are those which are administered at the expense of the estate, and to the loss of the person who exercises them. 19Among the people of Alexandria, officials who purchase oil and vegetables are considered to exercise a patrimonial employment. 20Those who collect wine throughout the province of Africa administer a patrimonial employment. 21Again, patrimonial employments are of a twofold, nature, for some of them have reference to either possession or to patrimonies, for instance, those who furnish horses, or mules for the transporation of military supplies, or for the post. 22Therefore, persons who are neither citizens nor inhabitants of municipal towns are required to perform services of this description. 23It has been stated in a Rescript that those who lend money at interest, even if they are veterans, must pay taxes for the privilege of doing so. 24Neither veterans, nor soldiers, nor any other persons, no matter what privileges they may enjoy, and not even the pontiff himself, is exempt from employments of this kind. 25Moreover, some towns have the privilege of permitting those who own land within their territory to furnish each year a certain amount of corn, in proportion to the real property which they possess; which contribution is an employment attaching to possession. 26Mixed employments are those in which personal and patrimonial ones are combined, as Herennius Modestinus, with the best of reasons, stated in his notes and arguments; for collectors of taxes and grain, who also perform manual labor, exercise personal employments, and make good Treasury losses from the property of deceased persons; so that there is good reason for considering this employment as being mixed in its character. 27We have, however, stated above that those who exercise personal employments, according to the laws or customs of their city, are also obliged to pay the expenses out of their own property; or if those who collect provisions should sustain any loss on account of land which remains uncultivated, these employments will also be included under the denomination of mixed. 28All these employments, which we have divided into three classes, are included under a single signification; for personal, patrimonial, and mixed employments are designated as civil or public. 29Where, however, exemption from merely personal or civil employments is granted to anyone, they cannot be excused from those relating to provisions, posts, couriers, the furnishing of lodgings, the construction of ships, or the collection of personal taxes, with the exception of soldiers and veterans. 30The Divine Vespasian and the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that exemption from furnishing lodgings was granted by the Emperor to teachers who were not liable to civil employment, as well as to grammarians, instructors in rhetoric, and philosophers.